This years Holiday card, illustrated by yours truly, was all about frolicking and having fun!
See you next year!
Sharing with you great advice, opinions, and links to help you make it through this crazy world.
This fantastic opportunity to contribute a design is open to everyone!
The competition closes at midnight on Wednesday 20 October and the winner will be announced on Friday 22 October, so get entering! Here's how:
Email your designs to: christmascards@stranger-collective.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Illustrations should focus around a seasonal theme of Christmas, contain no specific religious content and appeal to a wide audience. Designs should be 300dpi, 105 x 150mm JPGs in portrait aspect ratio
http://www.stranger-mag.com/news/ear-to-the-ground/shelterbox-christmas-card-illustration-competition.htmlThe Prizes
10 winners will be featured on the HOW website, get $150 worth of HOW books and receive a 1 year subscription to HOW magazine. You will also receive a graphic to post on your website announcing your winning status.
Submitting Entries
All posters must be submitted online at howdesign.com. The image size of the file must not exceed 1280x1024 pixels. The image can be saved at a resolution that will enable us to zoom in to see details during judging, but the file size must not exceed 2MB.
The Deadline
Work must have been created between November 1, 2009 and October 31, 2010. Each single entry is $40. The fee for a poster campaign (3 or more posters that function as a system or series) is $60. All entries must be submitted online no later than October 15, 2010. Entries submitted after Oct. 15 require a late fee of $25 per entry. Entries will not be accepted after November 1, 2010.
First Prize
Runners up receive
2 Runners up get $500 each AND winning designs produced as a future run of MIMOBOT designer USB flash drives! $100 Infectious gift certificate. 3 Honorable Mentions get MIMOBOT and Infectious prize packs!Honorable mentions receive
3 Honorable Mentions get MIMOBOT and Infectious prize packs!
Create a DOODLE that tells your story of finding solitude in the city.
The DOODLE can be as broad or as specific as you wish. Especially with it being summer, cities are now flooded with crowds of both locals and tourists. Think about your personal getaways in the city. How does it change your mood? Why do you feel the need to find your secret destination? What do you do when you're there? We want a small glimpse into your private hideaway within a metropolis. Perhaps you may even work on this project while you're there.
Send us an e-mail at projects[at]goodinc[dot]com with your doodle, or post it to GOOD's Community Board with the tag "June 2010 DOODLE." It can be in any image format, but it should be high enough resolution that it can be printed at 300 dpi. We prefer images that are taller versus wider (the above was a 6:8 ratio). There are numerous methods for creating visual notes whether through digital means (tablets, digital sketchpads, etc) or tangible methods such as using a Moleskine. Regardless of your choice, please ensure the images are as clean as possible. Feel free to include a brief summary to your illustration.
We’ll take submissions now through July 2.
We'll be awarding the best overall doodle with a GOOD T-shirt and free subscription (or gift subscription) based on votes from "the crowd." We ask you to take into account factors like: overall quality of illustration, relevance to the topic, and clarity and flow.
In the meantime, we do plan on sharing some of your great submissions with upcoming update posts.the THEME
Water. We need to live, of course, and, as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill has made clear, it's an important and at-risk habitat. Let's pay homage to the vital liquid in this Picture Show.
Take a picture of a body of water that is meaningful to you. This could be anything from a bath tub to the Pacific Ocean. Include a short explanation (up to 40 words) of why it's significant.
Send an e-mail to projects[at]goodinc[dot]com with your photo and short explanation, or post it to GOOD's Community Blog with the tag "Project: Water Picture Show." It can be in any image format, but it should be high enough resolution that it can be printed at 300 dpi.
We’ll take submissions now through July 16.
We'll publish a Picture Show with a selection of the submissions on July 19.
http://www.good.is/post/project-help-us-create-a-picture-show-about-water/by little beehive from The Patch, VICTORIA (AU)
Oct. 31st, 2010
January 15th, 2011
March, 2011
Drawing Day is a worldwide drawing event encouraging everyone to drop everything and draw for the sake of art. Help us create 1 million drawings online this day.
2010 Drawing Day is almost here!
What type of projects?
Brochures, business cards, direct mailers, maps, any and everything done on YUPO synthetic paper is eligible and can win.